Billy Goat Equipment Overview – Renovation Line

Billy Goat Power RakeThere are generally two main landscaping concerns held by the typical homeowner. The first, and probably the most popular, is simple maintenance: Mowing the lawn, enriching the soil, and providing grass with the nutrients it needs to remain resilient. The second need, which is just as important but probably a bit less common overall, is simply to renovate or redo a lawn with new seeding, aeration, or sod. This is almost always required after years or decades of wear and tear, with weeds, tracks, and other obstructions that affect the health of the grass and reduce the soil’s ability to contain and provide important nutrients.

Billy Goat, which has long been one of the leading names in home landscaping and lawn maintenance, offers a great number of equipment options for homeowners who need to seed, rake, or aerate their lawns for better long-term health and recovery. The company’s commitment to durable equipment and heavy-duty work is consistent across the board with each of these options, with the same high level of service and work that homeowners already expect from its mowers and other landscaping options.

Aerators: Two Key Models for Today’s Homeowners and Amateur Landscapers

One of the best ways to make sure that grass survives regular wear and tear, as well as a wide variety of natural elements, is to aerate the ground and provide a better pathway for nutrients to reach the roots of each blade of grass. This can be done rather easily with one of two aerators sold by Billy Goat to homeowners and amateur landscapers. The first of the company’s two models is a walk behind option, which eliminates the center wheel common on competing equipment options and uses an innovative, “soft fork” technology for better and more delicate results. The 19-inch width of this equipment is perfect for lawns of most sizes.

For truly large areas that need to be aerated and brought back to superb health, Billy Goat offers an alternative option in its towable aerator. The equipment’s width can be configured down to a minimum of 24 inches, through most homeowners prefer to extend this width to 48 or 72 inches for truly large properties. Unlike the competing option, Billy Goat’s towable aerator uses water tanks to provide pressure for the tines. This eliminates bulky steel weights that literally and figuratively drag the competition down. The results produced by the equipment are much more gentle and better for long-term health.

A Great Dethatcher for Expanding or Recovering Home Lawn Space

In addition to providing additional pathways for either lawn seeding or nutrient access in existing grassy areas, Billy Goat’s dethatcher can help boost a lawn’s size and health by dethatching matted areas that exist around the home. The company’s dethatcher, which measures just about 20 inches wide, can clear thatch in back-and-forth passes that make it easy for homeowners to capture and discard the material while restoring their lawn’s exposure to rainwater, sunlight, and nutrient sources.

The dethatcher weighs a bit more than competing options, giving it a bit more power and better overall results during regular use. Better yet, optional attachments and accessories can transform the Billy Goat dethatcher into an overseeder or even a vertislicer. That makes it not only more useful, but a great deal more valuable than competing products.

Seeding the Lawn is Easy with Billy Goat’s Two Available Overseeders

Finally, restoring a lawn to full health and a great overall appearance often requires seeding the lawn and enabling the growth of all-new blades of grass. That task can be greatly simplified with one of Billy Goat’s two overseeders available to homeowners and amateur landscapers. The first of the company’s options is its OS500 series, which features a compact overall size, push operation, and a 25-pound seed box paired with a so-called Auto Drop system. Using Auto Drop, the overseeder maintains consistent seeding and spacing without wasting seeds and contributing to higher overall home landscaping costs.

For larger lawns or those who like a bit of added convenience during seeding, Billy Goat’s OS901 hydrostatic model is probably a better choice. Like its smaller counterpart, the OS901 features Auto Drop and a large seed box, but it pairs those features with self-propulsion in both directions and a larger overall size. That means quicker work for smaller lawns and more effective seeding in larger environments. For many landscapers, the OS901 is a must-have. Can Help Restore and Improve a Lawn’s Health

With the full line of Billy Goat’s aerators, dethatchers, and overseeders, can help customers find the equipment they need and maintain it over time. The company’s website offers numerous opportunities to find a great deal on the company’s equipment and, with a great selection of OEM replacement parts and accessories, buyers will be able to maintain and extend their purchase so that it provides maximum value over the course of its useful life.

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