Overseeding in the Spring

Temperatures are finally rising, which means it’s time to think about lawn care again. Overseeding does more than fill in bald spots on your lawn. It also fills in the spaces between mature grass growth, turning sparse turf into a thick carpet. Taking these steps will help you prepare your lawn, plant at the right time, and ensure your new grass takes root.

When is the Best Time to Seed?

No matter where you live, or what you’re planting, you need to look for the same weather conditions. All seed varieties germinate when temperatures are between 59-77°F. For the grass to survive, it can’t freeze until the grass has had enough time to take root and grow at least two inches.

Getting the Ground Ready to Plant

To give your new grass the best chance of succeeding, you need to take four steps to prepare your lawn.
Fertilizing: Get a soil test a few weeks before you plan on seeding. This will tell you exactly what your fertilizer needs to add to your soil to give your grass the best chance of surviving. Adding fertilizer with a high phosphorous (P) level encourages growth.
Aerating: This relieves soil compaction, helps new roots penetrate the soil, and provides better air and water access to new seeds. If you don’t need to aerate, you can lay down a light top dress. This loose soil gives grass a place to latch onto during germination.
Dethatching: Keeping thatch under a half inch thick is important for any lawn. However, it’s especially important for seeding, because it helps the grass seeds reach the soil.
Mowing: To get your seeds maximum soil contact, mow your lawn to a height of two inches or less before overseeding.

How Do I Choose the Drop Rate?

If this is your first time overseeding, use the maximum drop rate recommended by the seed manufacturer. Likewise, you should drop the maximum amount over bald spots to cover them with new growth.
If you have overseeded before, add enough seed to compensate for gaps left by mature grass. Use a low drop rate in thick areas, and a medium drop rate in sparse areas. Drop rate settings for your Billy Goat overseeder are printed on a label located on the underside of the seed bin lid.

Getting Your Grass Off to a Good Start

Direct sunlight can harm young grass. If you’re overseeding a bald spot, cover the area with straw or a thin dressing of soil.
Water the soil two to three times per day. Lay down just enough water to keep the surface soil moist. Once the seeds sprout, switch to less frequent, deeper watering. You can return to your regular lawn care routine once the new grass is two inches tall.

Is Your Equipment Ready?

Do you need some parts to get your Billy Goat equipment back to work after spending the winter in storage? Billy Goat Parts is here to help. We carry everything you need, including OEM parts and accessories for your equipment and the engines that power them. Visit us at www.billygoatparts.com. We can ship your order anywhere in the U.S. or Canada.

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